The Process

At IONYX Digital, our process is a collaborative one. We work with you to create a custom digital marketing solution that will drive growth and bring results for your business.


Partner with us to prepare your business for success.

We understand that creating a digital presence and marketing plan can be a daunting task. At IONYX Digital, we work with you as a partner to create custom solutions to meet your business goals.

Our journey together starts with the Discovery phase, where we take the time to learn about your business’s history, experience, and goals.

With this understanding in hand, we proceed to the Strategise phase, where we work closely with you to map out your new digital marketing strategy.

After that, in the Implement phase, you will work with our team of experts as they bring your plan to life.

When that is all done, put your new digital marketing to work and enjoy watching your business grow.

It all starts here.

Tell us about your business and its history, experience, and aims for the future.

Work with us to create a new digital marketing strategy to achieve your goals.

Collaborate with our expert team to create your new digital marketing collateral.

Put your new digital solution to work and watch your business continue to grow.

It all starts here.


Phase 1: Discover

We take the time to understand your business so that we can create a strategy that will work best for you.